Since 1984 the Residents of Turfhall Cheshire Home have welcomed Volunteers bringing much needed social interaction and friendship.
Sign up today Volunteer Turfhall Cheshire Home 2019 and return your completed form to
Why Volunteer?
Volunteering can help you achieve personal goals, share your talents, meet and introduce new people to your circle of friends.
Make a Difference – give back to the Community
Take on a new Challenge
Care – Have Fun – Help US achieve our Goals!
Our aim is to offer to those with disabilities:
- Unquestioning recognition of their full human rights.
- Standards of excellence in all aspects of care from both staff and volunteers.
- The support of a forward looking and responsive organisation, aware of their needs and of those and their carers.
- The opportunity to take an effective part at every level in running our services.
- Partnership in a continuing endeavor to help others, whatever the need may be, in the field of disability.
We look forward to welcoming our Volunteers.