Home > Centenary Lord Leonard Cheshire

The Turfhall Cheshire Home is commemorating the centenary of our Founder Lord Leonard Cheshire and would like to further our organisations mission to assist people with disabilities throughout the world, regardless of their colour, race or creed, by providing the conditions necessary for their physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

We are grateful for the support, love and kindness that we have received since 1984 when the doors opened at the Turfhall Cheshire Home. Thank You!

Here are some of the amazing stories around the world: https://100stories.leonardcheshire.org/

Please view a YOU TUBE link sharing the amazing work all over the world founded by Lord Leonard Cheshire.

Elzabe Burger is the Vice Chairman of the Turfhall Cheshire Home and shared her memories of meeting Leonard Cheshire when he visited South Africa.  Some of our Residents also had the opportunity to meet Leonard a few years ago on a visit to our Home.

Elzabe shared the history and the ongoing mission of the Cheshire Homes and the impact it made on the lives of many disabled adults and young children all over the world. Leonard Cheshire’s legacy continues making a huge difference in the lives of vulnerable, disabled adults and children.

A huge thank you to the Staff, Volunteers and Management of the Cheshire Homes who continue to provide sterling service to our residents.

Please contact Helen Goodson, marketing@turfhall.org.za to provide you with assistance and detailed information, supporting the Residents of the Turfhall Cheshire Home.

Our Banking Details are :

Turfhall Cheshire Home | Standard Bank |  Branch: 026209 | Account No: 072930268