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We opened our doors on 10 November 1984 and are a registered non-profit and public benefit organisation (014-845 NPO & PBO 930025578). Although we run independently, we are affiliated to the international Leonard Cheshire Disability Global Alliance. In South Africa we have 45 independent living units and 15 residential homes of which the Turfhall Cheshire Home is one of 2 in the Western Cape.   [History] [Cheshire Homes Western Cape]

Our Mission

Our mission is to assist people with disabilities throughout the world, regardless of their colour, race or creed, by providing the conditions necessary for their physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

Our Vision

We believe that each person, whatever his or her disability, is a uniquely valuable individual and that people with disabilities should have the personal freedom to pursue their aspirations and take their own place in the world.

Our Aim

  • Unquestioning recognition of their full human rights.
  • Standards of excellence in all aspects of care from both staff and volunteers.
  • The support of a forward looking and responsive organisation, aware of their needs and of those and their carers.
  • The opportunity to take an effective part at every level in running our services.
  • Partnership in a continuing endeavour to help others, whatever the need may be, in the field of disability.

Board Members

Chairman & Treasurer: Gary Van Zyl


Pam Bosman

Charmain Van Zyl

Sharifa Arief

Honorary Life Member: Elsabe Burger

Manager: Harry van Eck

Secretary: Denise de Vries

Marketing/Fundraising: Helen Campbell

Chairperson Residents Committee: Ethel Tladi

Head of Care: Gaironese Mohammed